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Happy New Year

Pi Chi

It’s so hard to believe that 2019 is literally right around the corner. This past year has been an incredible year of growth, friendship, and the greatest memories; and I have Alpha Delta Pi to thank for that.

This year began with me returning to Columbia after a refreshing winter break. Still a timid freshman, I wasn’t sure what to expect of the spring semester. My uncertainty quickly diminished as I grew closer to my sorority sisters, now my best friends. Our semester was filled with incredibly fun functions (Senior Band was my favorite), spring break trips all over the world, the best sisterhood events, delicious meals at the ADPi house, and of course lots of late night studying. One of my favorite things our chapter did this past spring was our philanthropy event, Kickin’ It for the Kids. We had inflatable bubble/soccer balls which were used in a series of tournaments to raise money for our local Ronald McDonald House in Columbia. It’s so special that we get to work hands on with our philanthropy since we have one right here in Columbia. One specific thing I remember about this past spring semester was how much I looked up to all of the older girls who went abroad. Following their experience via Instagram, I remember thinking how cool it was to be in the same organization as all of these amazing women.

Summer quickly came and it was time to pack up my freshman dorm room and say a temporary goodbye to girls who, over the last few months, had become my best friends.

Luckily, the summer flew by and before I knew it and we were back at the ADPi house for spirit week, preparing for recruitment. Starting our fall semester off, we all had so much fun recruiting an incredible new pledge class. We happily welcomed PC ’18 with a Space Jam themed Big day. Which is now one of my favorite college memories. Again, these girls who were strangers to me before August 16th, I now call my friends. Experiencing big/little reveal was one of the most exciting events this fall. Seeing everyone together, bonding over a new addition to their fam, was so much fun and filled with so much love. It’s crazy that the fall semester is already over, but it really did fly because I was having so much fun. Between more sisterhood events (imagine 300+ girls in a trampoline park), more amazing functions, officer transitions, growing friendships, our philanthropy event Carnival for a Cause, and so much more... we had a strong end to 2018.

As for 2019, I’m so excited to see how we grow as a chapter and all of the amazing things that we’ll do together. In a sorority filled with so many spectacular women, there truly is no way to go wrong. I know that ADPi will continue to be something I am proud to be a part of as our sisters get more involved on campus and continue to make an impact at USC. I am so grateful to be a part of such an incredible organization, that has changed my life in 2018 and I’m sure will change it even more in 2019. This past year has been transformational and our sisters are looking forward to what the new year brings us!


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