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A Letter from the President

Perry Anne Robinson

I will never forget the first day that I stood in front of the Alpha Delta Pi House. As I stood in line with 70 other girls who were all dressed in the same light blue Sorority Recruitment T-shirt, I wondered who and what were on the other side of those large black doors. If you would have asked me before I had set foot in the ADPi house, what my wildest expectations were, I probably would have told you I expected 400 picture-perfect girls to be waiting on the other side of those doors. I might have told you that a small town girl like me probably did not have what it took to fit in with them, that I might be better off trying to find another house in Greek Village to call my home.

I wish I could go back in time and tell potential new member (PNM), Perry Anne she had it all wrong. I wish I could tell her that she would soon make the greatest friendships she has ever known. I wish I could share with her that her soon-to-be-sisters would challenge her and support her in ways she had never experienced. I wish I could show her just how Alpha Delta Pi would shape her life in ways she never could have imagine.

Our open motto, “We Live for Each Other,” speaks so much truth about our organization. It truly reflects the loyalty, one of our primary values, that our sisters embody. I see this loyalty shine through everything that our sisters do. I see it every time I walk into the Pi Palace. I see our sisters studying together, sharing a meal together, or planning their next adventure together. I see it in the way our girls passionately serve in our local community, on our campus, as well as at our Ronald McDonald House just down the street. I see it in the way the women of our chapter lovingly challenge one another to be the best version of themselves. This is truly one of the most meaningful aspects of being an ADPi to me- not only will our sisters help one another identify how to reach new heights, but they will be there every step of the way.

Standing there that day, I had no idea what was to come. I had no clue that there would be so many opportunities to become a leader through ADPi. I never thought that I would be able to use these newfound leadership skills to become a leader in other ways on our campus. I never dreamed that I would be capable of helping put on ADPi’s Recruitment in 2018 or that one day I would be the President of such an outstanding organization. However, when you have a support system of 400 dynamic women who believe in you, you can do anything you set your mind to.


Before I knew it, the Pi Chi Recruitment Counselors had opened those doors and I was being led inside. As soon as I set foot in that house, I could feel something different, something genuine, something special. After every conversation I had in Alpha Delta Pi, I felt more and more at home. I knew these were the girls who would lead me beyond my wildest expectations, and I could not have been more right.

So, if you ever find yourself standing outside those big black doors at 508 Gadsden Street wondering what you’ll find inside, let me tell you, it is far better than anything you could ever dream of.


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