Monika Perry and Taylor Kitchen

Things came full circle last week for seniors Taylor Kitchen and Monika Perry of Alpha Delta Pi Beta Epsilon. Freshman year, they both showed up to a USC Fashion Board meeting excited to get involved on campus. Little did they know, the meeting that night would spark a forever friendship and shared love for fashion. After several years of membership in Fashion Board and taking on various roles within the organization, Taylor and Monika were elected to serve on the Executive Team for the 2018-19 school year as President and Director of Community Outreach, respectively, and helped spearhead the 12th Annual USC Fashion Week, which occurred last week.

USC Fashion Week was one for the books! The week started with a special guest visitor, Lauren Berger a.k.a. Intern Queen. Intern Queen came to Columbia, South Carolina all the way from Los Angeles, California to speak to students about distinguishing themselves in the career and internship application process. Attendees of Intern Queen’s presentation left with a positive spirit and motivated outlook on the sometimes intimidating process of finding their dream job or internship. Intern Queen’s contagious energy launched Taylor and Monika into what would be the most successful USC Fashion Week yet.
The “Spring in Bloom” Fashion Show concluded USC Fashion Week.

It consisted of a student designer showcase, runway show with 38 student models, refreshments, shopping, artwork, and upbeat music. The runway was lined with hundreds of supporters consisting of friends, family, and HRSM faculty members. Spring collections were provided by Belk, Fame & Partners, Wildflower, Dakotas, Fab’rik, and Vestique. According to Taylor and Monika, the reason for the immense success of this year’s show was due to months of preparation, effective teamwork on the Executive Team, and an enthusiastic group of 164 Fashion Board members. Stay tuned to see what this fashionable duo tackles next!