An Open Letter to PNM's: What to Expect during Recruitment

Dear PNMs,
My name is Aimee Goley and I am so proud to be serving as Alpha Delta Pi’s Recruitment and Marketing Vice President. I cannot believe that in exactly a month you will be walking through our doors (YAY!!!). I am so excited to meet all of you and I hope you that your feelings of excitement outweighs all of the emotions that might be scary during sorority recruitment such as stress, anxiety, or anticipation.
I remember going through recruitment two years ago and it was such a whirlwind of unknowns and change, but change is good. Going to college is such a change in itself, but choosing to rush a sorority will not only change but enhance your college experience for the better. Two years ago as I stood outside of the ADPi house I would’ve never guessed that I would be the person I am today. ADPi has developed and grown me into the leader and person I am today and given me the people I go to for the good and the bad. I cannot wait for each of you to experience the wonderful type of change and memories being in a sorority brings to your life!

My goal is for each of you to feel welcomed and comfortable throughout your entire recruitment process so I want to give you all a little insight on what you can expect from recruitment. First, I want you all to know that this week will be full of ups and downs. Just trust the process because you will end up where you belong and understand that this process will work itself out for the best. I remember feeling In the middle of the week you may be feeling exhausted, confused, and lonely but trust the process and realize that everything will work itself out. Whether it be on bid day when you run home or preference round when you finally have clarity of where you fit best and see yourself growing and belonging! Second, you will have two “Pi Chi’s” who will be completely there for you throughout your entire process, so you never have to feel like you’re alone-you can literally go to them for anything!!
Throughout this process please remember to be yourself, HAVE FUN, and trust your instincts! This is a process like no other- but it is all so worth it whenever you put on your t-shirt and run home! I am SO EXCITED for this journey you are about to go on and you will never forget!!! Make sure to enjoy every minute of it! I cannot wait to meet you all!!!
Pi Love,