An Open Letter to PNM's: ONLY 2 More Weeks-We Can't Wait to Meet You
Dear PNM’s,

If you’re reading this, my hope is that you have made the best decision ever by deciding to go Greek! Welcome to what is going to be an incredible journey and the most AMAZING next four years. My name is Bianca and I am the Formal Recruitment Chair at Alpha Delta Pi. I cannot contain my excitement knowing that you all will be walking through our doors in just 2 short weeks!! Our chapter is thrilled to get to know every single one of you and for you to get to know ADPi.
This time 2 years ago, I was feeling all the excitement, anticipation, and butterflies that come with going away to college. What I did not know was how much joining a sorority was going to change my life. I truly cannot imagine college without ADPi. Every girl in this chapter is so inspiring and I am overjoyed that we get to share that with you SO soon! I know how intimidating and confusing this process may seem, so here are some things I have learned from my recruitment experience:
First and foremost, take care of yourself!!! This may sound like the simplest piece of advice, but it is the one I found I struggled with the most! The days are long, hot, and tiring which can really take a toll on your body. It is easy to get caught up in all the emotions and chaos. It is so important that you remember to be getting enough rest, drinking enough water, and eating enough food. While also allowing yourself to take your mind off of the craziness of recruitment. A great day of recruitment starts with feeling your absolute best, physically and mentally!
Something to always remember during this time is that you are not alone. Remember that you are not the only one who might have had a bad day, who is homesick, or just needs someone to talk to. Everyone, even the girls on the other side, are going through all the same emotions that you are. Make friends with people in your pi chi group and lean on them for support. Go grab coffee with them in the morning or dinner after a long day! You may all end up in different homes, but you will forever be thankful for those friendships.

My last, most important, and probably most overused piece of advice is to trust the process. I know you are all going to hear that wayyyy more than you want to, but there will come a moment where you truly understand why people say it so much. Stay true to yourself, trust your instincts, and you will find exactly where you belong. It is okay to be confused, and sometimes these things happen in the craziest of ways, but you will end up right where you need to be. Enter every day with an open mind and a positive attitude because it will all be worth it in the end!
All of us here at Alpha Delta Pi are anxiously waiting to welcome you into our house and help guide you in finding your home! Remember to have fun, laugh a lot, maybe cry a little, and soak in every moment because it goes by SO much faster than you think. I would give anything to be back in your shoes, so enjoy what is the start of the BEST four years of your life. I can’t wait to meet all of you!!! The countdown begins!
Pi love and all of mine,
Formal Recruitment Chair 2019