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A Letter From a New Alpha

Mary Alden Cooper

Oh, recruitment. The process everyone talks about but no one quite understands. Let me be the first to tell you it is quite the whirlwind. You move in a week early and immediately are thrown into what might be the biggest roller coaster of a week you will ever experience. Time and time again people are going to tell you to “trust the process” and every time they do you’re going to question it a little more. However, as someone who has recently been through it and found her home away from home here at the University of South Carolina in Alpha Delta Pi, I promise you all the madness that is sorority recruitment is worth it.

Coming into recruitment I had no idea what to expect. The first night after move-in, I met my Pi Chi group and became filled with nerves and excitement. I went to sleep that night ready for rush to start but also completely terrified. As the process progressed, I fell into a routine and began to enjoy it much more. Each day had its triumphs and struggles but it all accumulated to… Bid Day!!! The minutes waiting to run home in Colonial Life felt like

HOURS. As soon as I got my tank and saw it said

Alpha Delta Pi, I turned to the girl next to me, who happened to have the same one and we both burst into tears. That was the moment I knew ADPi had been the one for me all along. Running home to the most loving and supportive girls that day is a memory I will never forget.

Since bid day, my decision to go Alpha Delta Pi has been reaffirmed every day. I am constantly surrounded by girls who love me wholeheartedly and want to see me grow and succeed, and they’ve only known me for two weeks! I can’t wait to watch this love grow and see the better version of myself that I am sure ADPi will help me become. I am continually blown away by how well Alpha Delta Pi aligns with my values and how much I connect with all my new sisters. I am so thankful that I “trusted the process” because it truly did lead me home. If you are considering joining a sorority know that

every chapter on this campus has so much to offer and if you trust the process and hold on through all the ups and downs that are recruitment, you will find the place where you are meant to be. I know I did.

Pi Love,

Mary Alden Cooper

PC ‘19


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