A Letter From Our President
When I was growing up my mom and aunt would talk to me about their college experience and how their time in a sorority enhanced their college experience, so before I even applied to college I knew that a sorority was something I wanted to be apart of.
I loved the sisterhood, support, and opportunity that came with being a sorority woman, however, I never expected my sorority to have the impact on me that it has.
Recruitment was an incredibly overwhelming experience for me, as it is for most, but when I walked into ADPi it was like the world stood still. I remember the conversation I had with Gracelynn Squires to this day, and I am so thankful for it. She calmed me down but also reassured me about my choice to Go Greek. The third round of recruitment I met the girl who would become my big sister and instantly made me feel at home. I was automatically drawn to ADPi because of the enthusiasm, engagement, and ease of my conversations with these girls who I admired that would soon be my sisters.

Being apart of this organization has been one of my biggest blessings. It has given me the confidence to be myself and a leader as well as endless opportunities. My sisters are incredible mentors, and are so involved within our campus and community. I am so proud to surround myself with people who are constantly challenging me to grow into a version of myself that I am truly proud of.

I ran for President of ADPi because of our motto “We Live for Each Other” and I truthfully love this sorority and the people in it. I was hoping that this position would help me to become more independent, decisive, and more prepared to handle conflict, but in the short amount of time that I have been President I have gained so much more from this opportunity than expected. I have made wonderful relationships with girls on the executive committee, but I have also enjoyed being a voice within the chapter and actually having the
opportunity to make a difference within ADPi.
When I was standing in ADPi for my first time I never dreamed that I would be able be the President of this chapter, however, with the support of almost 400 women I have been able to have the confidence in myself to serve and lead Alpha Delta Pi and I am so grateful for this amazing experience.