A Letter To PNM'S: Why You Should Go Greek
Dear PNMs,
I am so happy that you have made it here to this blog post! My name is Caroline Beskid, I am a sophomore at USC and serve as ADPi’s Vice President of Marketing. It has been such a privilege to be on our Executive Committee this year and plan recruitment alongside our Director of Primary Recruitment. I cannot believe that recruitment registration is now OPEN and you are only three short months away from walking through our doors!

I can confidently say deciding to Go Greek has positively impacted my college experience tremendously. Being a part of a sorority has given me a sisterhood that is forever, a home away from home and memories that I will remember for the rest of my life. One of my favorite things about being in ADPi is eating meals at the house. Running into a friend you haven’t seen in a few days and eating lunch with her, everyone gathering for Friday morning brunch and talking about how their week was and plans for the weekend. These are the everyday experiences that make being a part of this community so special.
Starting college is scary and the unknown is endless, but one thing I can tell you is that deciding to rush a sorority brings light and excitement into your college experience. Two years ago I was nervous and anxious about recruitment just like you may be, and now looking back I would do it all over again if it meant I got to be a part of something as special as our panhellenic community. Running home to ADPi on bid day felt like a dream come true and was one of the most exciting moments of my life. ADPi has pushed my limits, brought me happiness and developed me into the leader and person I am today. The opportunity to have all of this and more is at your fingertips, don't let it slip away!

I remember registering for recruitment and having a million and one questions...don’t worry you are not the only one! It is normal to have questions about an experience you have not yet had. My advice to you is to not overthink the process, but instead, trust the process. Know that things are going to work out and you will be running home to your chapter so soon!
Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and welcomed when you walk through our doors. We want to get to know you so don’t be afraid to be yourself and have FUN! Soak up every moment of the journey.
Making the decision to Go Greek will change your life forever, don't walk, RUN and register for recruitment. I cannot wait to meet every one of you so soon!!!
Pi Love,