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A Look Back: Living With Sisters

Mary-Kathryn Raley

Beta Epsilon is so proud of our seniors graduating from USC this past month! With graduation comes reflection, so we asked our seniors to share some of their favorite memories living with sisters throughout their four years in college. Living with ADPi sisters is easily one of the best experiences of college and you are guaranteed to make dozens of life-long memories. We hope our seniors always cherish the movie nights, study dates, car-pools to the house for dinner and many more moments created with their ADPi roommates. As you read their memories, we hope it will inspire you to make the most of your final years at USC.

Gabby & Caroline

Gabby and Caroline have lived together since sophomore year, way back in their Green Crossing days. Gabby says, "having a roomie and bestie who also doubles as my sister is a blessing.” They’ve lived together the past two years allowing them to always have a buddy to eat at the house with, and someone to team up with at functions. “Finding your friends in ADPi is easy when you have someone alongside you constantly pushing you outside of your comfort zone to meet new people,” said Gabby. If Gabby were to give freshman advice, she would say to find people with those qualities and stick with them because they will help you to grow closer to other girls in your chapter. As a graduating senior, Gabby says, “I can honestly say I never stopped meeting new sisters in ADPi. Each year I learned more about so many of the beautiful people in this chapter and how similar we truly are.” Gabby and Caroline say to have fun and cherish all the best moments with the people you’ve grown close with.


Emily, Stephanie, Meghan & Miranda

“Living with my sisters was honestly one of the best decisions I made at USC,” said graduating senior, Emily, “growing up with two older brothers I never knew what it was like to share closets with a sister or have someone to talk to right before falling asleep.” Beginning sophomore year, Emily lived with one of her best friends, Stephanie, in the ADPi house. “It was a blast to say the least. I really saw our friendship grow during that year, and couldn’t get enough of her so we decided to live together again!” The next year, Emily and Stephanie moved in with Meghan and Miranda and their friendships began to grow instantly. “Always having someone to cook with, eat with, watch a movie with, and talk with is something I am definitely going to miss...and I wouldn’t trade it for the world” says Emily.


Taylor, Lauren, Abby, Melissa, Perry Anne & Raquelle

Starting sophomore year, Taylor moved into the ADPi house with roommates Lauren, Abby, Melissa and Perry Anne. She says, "living with my ADPi sisters was everything I never knew I needed.” Living in the house consisted of late night study sessions and pizza nights with 35 of the best friends. Flash forward to junior year, Taylor moved in with Raquelle and Melissa. After many pep talks before and after tests, Taylor and Raquelle moved in together Senior year. Taylor says, “I wish I could pick them up and take them with me to my future endeavors because it’s been such an incredible experience. They can’t be replaced.”


Alexa, Shaylyn & Victoria

Alexa, Shaylyn and Victoria have a special story about how the three of them became roommates. The three girls met their freshman year and as Alexa said, “their bond was just beginning.” All three of them decided to go through recruitment their sophomore year and they remember being so nervous, but having each other to talk to during the process. “On bid day, we all ran home to Alpha Delta Pi! Sophomore year, we went to dinner at the house together, functions together, and became even better friends. When it came to finding housing for junior year, we all wanted to live together, and we did,” said Alexa. The trifecta couldn’t be broken! They have now been roommates for the past two years and wouldn’t have had it any other way. Alexa expressed how living with your sisters is such a great blessing because you always have someone there to love and support you and you can return that love and support to them. From Alexa, Shaylyn and Victoria, “we hope you fall in love with Alpha Delta Pi like we did, and you find your forever friends!"


Stephanie, Miranda, Emily & Meghan

It all started when Stephanie moved into her dorm freshman year with soon to be ADPi sister, Miranda. Setphanie says, "living with sisters has changed my college experience.” Fast forward to junior year, Sephanie and Miranda lived with Emily and Meghan which was always exciting, fun, and full of memories. According to Stephanie, “there was never a dull moment from nights in, to functions, to football games, and everything in between. I wouldn’t change my roommates for the world.”


Gabby, Emily, Julia, Charlotte & Lauren

Freshman year, Gabby and Emily moved in together and became ADPi sisters on bid day in 2016. Sophomore year the two paired up with Julia, Charlotte and Lauren and became roomies for the next few years of college. Gabby says, “whether it was a game day, late nights studying, or traveling abroad together, these girls are who made my college experience so memorable.” Their entire house says, “there’s nothing we’ll miss more than spending everyday with each other”.


Brennan, Reilly, Lauren, Jess & Victoria

"Going into college, little did I know that I would end up living with my absolute best friends and second family. There is no one else I would want to do this crazy life with.

I don’t know what I would have done without...

Weekly Sonic runs with my forever chauffeur and hype girl, Reilly.

Uncontrollable laughter and TikTok dances with my favorite comedian, Lauren.

Late night (and early morning) study sessions with my literal therapist, Jess.

And coffee shop dates and workouts with my biggest cheerleader, Victoria.

While I may not live ten feet away from them anymore, they will always and forever be near and dear to my heart and be my very best friends, and sisters."


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