President's Day is a holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February in honor of George Washington's birthday and all US presidents. Hear from our president, Riley Rodgers, in her letter to Beta Epsilon:
If you would have told me three years ago that I’d be sitting here today writing this letter, I never would've believed you. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined all that was in store.
When I decided to attend college at UofSC, I knew I wanted to be a part of Greek life. I am from Chattanooga, Tennessee, so coming to school here meant moving away from everything and everyone I had ever known. I wanted to join Greek life because I needed to find my people here at college- my home away from home. I remember the first time I stepped foot in the ADPi house, and I just knew it was where I belonged. I met my big, Lauren, during round 1 of recruitment and was absolutely obsessed (she is still one of my very best friends and one of the best humans I’ve ever known). Every girl I talked to after that and every time I walked back through those doors, I felt so loved and so seen. Most of all, I felt at home. Every single girl was so different, but all shared this incredible passion, drive, and kindness that was exactly what I had hoped I’d find 500 miles away from home. And so, when I opened that shirt on bid day, I knew I was right where I was supposed to be.
By the time the fall of my sophomore year rolled around, I knew I wanted to put myself out there and run for a position. I was inspired by the grace and resilience I saw from our chapter leadership when COVID hit and wanted so badly to help my chapter get through such a difficult time. So, I did. I ran for and (much to my surprise) was elected to serve the chapter as the Vice President of Operations. I look back on that role and am so grateful to have had that experience. I learned so much about myself as a leader and as a person, and I got the chance to really get to know so many of our incredible sisters. It truly made me fall in love with ADPi all over again in a brand-new way.
This past fall, I decided to run for President so that I could continue to serve this sisterhood that I love so much. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had no idea just what I was getting myself into, but I could not be more grateful. As President, I have had such an incredible opportunity to see this chapter flourish. It’s amazing looking at this sisterhood that I first fell in love with two and a half years ago and seeing where we are today.
And as for me- I can genuinely say I wouldn't have had the courage to do any of this had it not been for these almost 400 incredible women who continue to inspire me, support me, and motivate me every single day. Being able to serve them as President is the honor of my life.
The Beta Epsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi truly is a sisterhood unlike any other. These women are hardworking and passionate. They have big dreams and the courage to chase after them. They are loyal, kind, giving, genuine, and so much more. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to lead these women and to see them shine in everything they do. I can say with full confidence that the women of this chapter are world-changers, and they make me so proud to be an Alpha Delta Pi.
I think back to the first time I walked through those big black double doors with the lions on them, and it’s crazy to think about where all these women have led me. I can now say I am more confident, more intentional, and more passionate than I ever thought possible. Everything I am, I owe to this sisterhood. I know that no matter how many years may pass, or miles may be between us, I will always have these women to lean on, to laugh with, to cry with, and everything in between. We truly do live for each other, and it is the most incredible thing to be a part of.
Alpha Delta Pi has shown me that home is not just a place, but rather people. I hope you have been able to see the kind of love and support that this chapter exudes. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you'll stay a while and explore this incredible sisterhood!
Pi Love and all of mine,
Riley Rodgers