Achievable New Years Resolutions for 2023
Start the year of 2023 fresh with a few goals that are realistic and achievable. We have provided some ideas for you to try that will fit perfectly into your busy schedule this year!

Move Your Body Every Day
It is important to find time in each day to nourish your body with physical activity. Alpha Delta Pi loves to hold sisterhood events where we can move our body through workout classes and encourage our sisters together! You can achieve this goal through a brisk walk, a yoga class, walking Alphie, or going to the gym!

Cook A Meal At Home Twice A Week
Eating a home-cooked, healthy meal twice a week is a great way to fuel your body and save some money this year! You can customize what meals you enjoy most. Invite a sister over, put some good music on, and start cooking away! This way you can see exactly what you are putting in your body and maybe have leftovers for another meal during the week!

Set Budget Goals
Managing your money can be stressful and confusing. Take an hour or two a week to create a budget that works with your schedule. Set a limit on money spent for groceries, coffee, eating out and more. If you haven't already, start a savings account and decide on an appropriate amount of your paycheck that will be distributed into your savings account. Controlling where your money goes will lead to much less stress this year!

Find A "Vacation" In Each Day
Our days can get hectic and busy, to the point where we don't realize the day is almost over and all we have done is stress. Finding something or somewhere to give your mind and body a quick reset is a simple goal that only takes as long as you want it to, making it the perfect goal for this year. For example, going on a walk, getting lunch with a friend, taking a nap. Anything that redirects your day in a positive way!

Make Your Bed Each Morning
Starting off your day with a clean, made bed will set the scene for the rest of your day. This quick and easy habit will get you out of bed and not wanting to crawl right back in! You will be ready to have a productive and stress-free day!

No Social Media Before Bed
Use the night time to wind down and relax. Focus on yourself and preparing for the day ahead. Don't get caught up in social media before resting. Instead, try reading a book, or cleaning up your space. Allow your mind and body to breathe and reflect on your day.

Do One Good Deed A Day
Be sure to give back to the community and put a smile on someone's face each day. Small acts of kindness can shift someone's entire outlook on the day. Holding the door, telling someone their outfit looks nice, or offering help to someone who looks like they are struggling are all great ways to add a good deed into your day!

Bring A Water Bottle With You Everywhere
Invest in a good, reusable water bottle! Bring this with you everywhere you go. It will keep you hydrated throughout the day and save you money on buying plastic water bottles when you're out. Having the reminder of the water bottle with you will encourage you to drink it more often!

Prioritize Sleep
Rest is so important for your body and mind. In order to be productive during the day, you must have a good nights sleep. Focus on getting enough sleep and energizing your body and mind for the adventures of each day!
Goodluck and Happy New Year's
Love, Alpha Delta Pi, Beta Epsilon Chapter <3