By Addie Amos
As our Seniors reflect on their time in Alpha Delta Pi, they take a moment
to offer all of us younger sisters
some solid Pi Advice.

"If I could give any piece of advice, it would be to not take any moment for granted and to truly take advantage of the time you have here. Even the smallest or seemingly minor moments like watching a movie with my friends or going for car rides and blasting music have been some of my favorite
memories here.
I just genuinely enjoy the company of all of my sisters and have been able to have great times with them that will last as great memories for me forever!
- Taylor Mullaney

"My advice would be to attend everything you can - even if it's outside your normal crowd. You will meet people that you never imagined and it's so important to get out of your comfort zone. I met some of my best friends after being randomly invited to a parent's cocktail event and I am still friends with them four years later. Now, I can't imagine my life without them!"

"I would honestly say to not be afraid to put yourself out there and experience everything there is to experience.
Don't worry so much about what other people think of you. Don't let that control you - Just be who you are!"

"The best thing you can do throughout college is say, "Yes." Whether it's a date function with a boy you don't know, or a new workout class, saying yes is the only way to gain new experiences. These four years are so important to your growth, and you will build so much confidence by trying new things with new people."