sisterhood spotlight: georgia Elliott's mission trip
Over spring break, our sister Georgia Elliott of AC ‘22 served the people of Ecuador on a medical mission trip. Georgia is an exercise science major and the trip focused on providing medical care to the community of Miscuslli. We are so proud of the way Georgia lives for others!

"During spring break I had the oppounity to travel to Ecuador for a medical mission trip. We had around 20 of us that went on the trip; some from UofSC, some that have already graduated, the pastor, and some members of the church. One of my best friends Kat went on the trip with me so it was the best time getting to work with her everyday in the clinic. We also had a retired surgeon that came with us. When we got there 3 other Ecuadorian doctors met us to help with the clinics. We set up a medical and optometry clinic for five days in different communities around Miscuslli, Ecuador. We gave out tons of medicine and eye glasses throughout the trip. I worked in different parts of the clinic during week which included: working in the pharmacy, triage, and optometry where I helped to dilate patients' eyes. Throughout the day we also got the chance to spend time with the kids and play games with them. We treated over 1,000 people by the end of the week. This was one of the most rewarding experiences that I’ve been able to be part of. I had so much fun serving the Lord and loving on his people!" - Georgia Elliott
Georgia spent 10 days in Misahualli and Quito, Ecuador.
"We stayed in Misahualli which was a small city in the Amazon for 7 days and set up different medical clinics in the town and in the surrounding towns. We worked each day from 9-5. I mainly worked in the pharmacy where I helped to distribute medicine that was prescribed to the patients, it required a lot of spanish. I also worked in triage a few days where I took blood pressure, hight, and weight. We had a few church services with the members of the community." - Georgia Elliott

"When we had free time in the evening we would spent a lot of time in the community visiting the stores in the town and going to the local restaurants for dinner. The last two days we spent time exploring the capital of Ecuador (Quito) where we tried the Ecuadorian food, went to a few museums, went to the markets to shop, and went to the hot springs." - Georgia Elliott
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