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Writer: Anna HeidelAnna Heidel

The Maxine Blake Golden Lion Award is the most prestigious award a chapter can receive from Grand Council. Each year that Grand Convention is held, Grand Council awards the Golden Lion Award only to chapters who uphold the highest standards of excellence. Despite all of the challenges the 2020-2021 year brought for us all, Beta Epsilon is proud to have continued to excel and receive a Golden Lion Award.

Golden Lion is meant to recognize chapters that uphold the highest standards of Alpha Delta Pi. In order to be eligible, chapters must excel in all areas, including recruitment, member retention, finance, leadership engagement, campus involvement, service, academics, and more.

Former President Addi Cottone and President Riley Rodgers proudly display the Golden Lion Award


Our chapter utilized zoom to hold a virtual formal recruitment process. Each round consisted of an officer speaking, a video being shown, and the potential new members being split into break-out rooms to speak with an active member one-on-one. Watch this video we showed during sisterhood round!


Our members are involved with 40+ on-campus organizations, athletics, and associations. From clubs to cheerleading to honor societies, you’ll find us!

Anna Shumard cheers on the Gamecocks!


Percent days and food drives allowed us to give back to our philanthropy, the Ronald McDonald House, even when we could not physically volunteer at the house. We hosted a carnation sale event in the Spring to benefit both RMHC and the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation.


Our chapter earned an average 3.62 GPA in the Fall 2020 semester. Special shoutout to PC ‘20 for their 3.71 average GPA!

Beta Epsilon is so proud to continue our tradition of excellence. This is the fourth year we have brought home the Golden Lion (2015, 2017, and 2019). In addition to receiving the 2021 Golden Lion Award, we also received Programming Awards for Recruitment and Marketing Excellence and Academic Affairs Excellence.

Despite all of the challenges of the past year and a half, I am so proud to say that we as a chapter have not only overcome but have continued to excel. – Newly-elected President Riley Rodgers

Our members have worked diligently to maintain the high values and standards of Alpha Delta Pi no matter the circumstances. It has not been easy, but with the support of each other we have adapted and carried on. Sisters, thank YOU for all of your hard work, passion, and commitment to Alpha Delta Pi and the values that we hold so dear. You all made this accomplishment possible, and a Golden Lion Award is a testament to each of you.

We are honored to have received this award and extend our congratulations to all other chapter receipts!



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